Individual therapy consists of counselling and psychotherapy. Our experienced therapists help clients uncover and work through their problems, issues and worries. An environment is created which centres around trust, no judgement and empathetic understanding, enabling clients to share their deepest thoughts and feelings.

Accordingly, our therapists work with and proactively attune to the client. This is very important as it helps the therapist obtain an in depth understanding on which supports the clients needs or may benefit from. Having a client work through their worries, fears and pain in an environment which best accommodates them is a top priority in our practices.

For this, a therapist will ascertain which type of therapy would be most helpful to the client and tailor their sessions accordingly. Our therapists work integratively and as a result of specialised therapy sessions, clients report feeling stronger and empowered. Such feelings can help restore long term confidence and self esteem which ultimately contribute to a more positive, healthy mental wellbeing.